4 Tips for Staying Motivated for Blogging While you Are Feeling Low

not motivated to blog

When you’re not motivated, you don’t feel like doing too much of anything, especially anything creative like blogging. Being unmotivated happens to the best of us. Maybe you’re drained and burnt out due to the stresses of the day. Perhaps you need a break. Luckily for you, makeawebsitehub has written an amazing guide on starting a blog to help you get back on track again. If you follow these simple steps you will have no trouble putting pen to paper once again.

1. Blog with You in Mind

When you’re blogging, you’re most likely trying to share useful information for your readers. If you’re not motivated to blog for others, you should blog for yourself. Instead of blogging strictly for readers, blog freely about the topics that interest you.

Blogging for yourself is similar to self-care. To start blogging for readers again, you have to start with the basics. You are the starting point. You don’t have to get frustrated with following strict guidelines and writing rules. When you can blog freely, you can take your time and blog about some of the things that matter most to you, whether it’s about traveling, pets, relationships, or any other topics.

Avoid These Common Mistakes

One mistake you could make when you’re not motivated to blog is copying someone else’s work. That’s one mistake you never want to make. Aside from the penalties sites like Google impose on you, it’s not that ethical. It’s great to be you! To avoid copying someone else’s work, stick to your niche. If you’re passionate about a topic, you’ll always find something new to share with your readers.

Another mistake you don’t want to make is to stop writing. Although you’re burnt out on blogging for the moment, this is a phase that will pass. You should never stop writing. You don’t have to write an eBook or an essay. You can keep your mind sharp by writing a paragraph or two each day, which in turn, will also keep you in the groove of writing and motivate you to write more. Starting small helps you take on more advanced blogging, which is what you want.

2. Get Inspired

If you’re not motivated to blog, there’s a good chance sitting in front of the computer staring at the monitor will only make things worse. You have to get yourself in a better mindset, and you can do that by getting inspired.

Go to one of your favorite locations, enjoy the scenery at your favorite café, or eat some of your favorite foods. Generating new thoughts is difficult when your mind isn’t focused. Instead of forcing your mind to generate fresh ideas, let your mind rest by doing other things. Watch a movie or exercise.

Your brain is at its best when you’re not focusing on the issue for hours at a time. Get out and get some fresh air. Go for a walk or a drive to clear your mind. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel once you manage to relieve the stresses you’ve been feeling.

Inspiration can be Easy

Getting inspired doesn’t mean you have to leave your home or surround yourself with a lot of people. If you’re not interested in leaving the comfort of your cozy house, don’t. You can listen to music and unwind and be more inspired than you have ever been. Something as simple as gazing out of your window or hearing birds chirping can inspire you to write the most fantastic content. You have to be receptive to it.

3. Set Realistic Goals

Setting goals is the easy part. Realistically setting goals is the hard part. Setting smaller goals is one of the best ways to achieve bigger goals. To be successful, you need to set short-term and long-term goals.

A few short-term goals you can consider could be to write down a few topics that interest you or to pick up a pen or pencil and a piece of paper. These small steps may seem irrelevant to the bigger goals you’re trying to achieve, but any step, regardless of how small, is a step forward.

Too often, bloggers set themselves up for failure by setting goals that are not realistic. Don’t try to overhaul your mind by setting goals that are too much of a challenge at the time. If you’re not motivated, it will be challenging to stay on topic when you’re writing. Don’t try to overexert yourself. You’ll stress yourself out and won’t get anything done because you’re overwhelmed. Setting realistic goals will help you build your motivation and get back to the blogging status you desire.

A good acronym to keep in mind when goal setting is called SMART. Here you are setting goals that are:

not motivated to blog
  • S – specific
  • M –measurable
  • A – achievable
  • R – realistic, and
  • T – timely

If you set SMART goals for yourself in life and your blogging career, you’re much more likely to be successful.

4. Don’t Quit

Being unmotivated is not the best feeling in the world. You don’t want to do anything productive. The hard part is bringing yourself out of this phase. The only way you can overcome this obstacle is not to give up. It might at times seem like it will always be dark, but those times eventually end. Take the sunshine with the rain and don’t give up.

Take a Break

Having no motivation makes it difficult to generate thoughts. Instead of giving up, take some time to unwind. Take things slowly. Your brain is a powerful, amazing organ, but it does get tired. Blogging can take a toll on you whether it’s your favorite thing to do or not.

Understand Why You Started

If you feel like you’re ready to quit, think of all the reasons you enjoy blogging. Why did you start blogging? What do you want to continue blogging? Thinking about blogging instead of blogging can be the rest your brain needs to recharge and get back to business as usual.

You don’t have to focus solely on blogging. Think about other things you like to do and why you enjoy doing them. It’s the little things that make the most difference. When you give up, your mind stagnates, and it makes it more of challenge to pick up blogging again.

Blogging is not an easy task, but someone has to do it! Why not you? You don’t have to stay trapped with mind fog. These four tips will help you when you are not motivated to blog or remotivate you to blogging at your best. All you have to do is try. These tips will help you find your way back to the blogging scene in no time.

About Susan Ranford 6 Articles
Susan Ranford is an expert on job market trends, hiring, and business management. She is the Community Outreach Coordinator for New York Jobs. In her blogging and writing, she seeks to shed light on issues related to employment, business, and finance to help others understand different industries and find the right job fit for them.

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