5 Things Every Mother Should Start Doing For HERSELF

5 Things Every Mother Should Start Doing For HERSELF

You may not realize this, but our dear mothers get barely 17 minutes of ‘free time’ for themselves every day, yet with such a tight schedule they still take up 78% of the household chores and responsibilities. From cooking, cleaning, taking care of kids’ activities to giving your 100% at work moms do it ALL. Don’t be surprised when I tell you that 51% of working mom’s keep working at house and in office for weeksssss……..without taking even a minute of leisure time.

  Self-care is not about self-indulgence, it’s about self-preservation. – Audrey Lorde

A study shows that nearly 3 quarters of 2,000 mothers under study feel that they have devoted their lives to other people. The study also established that nearly half felt that they don’t have time for their own hobbies or interests. Every 1 in 5 mothers resented the truth that their partners get more free time to unwind and relax.

All mothers are always giving giving and giving………..from time to time they should also do things for themselves. Being a mom is amazingly gratifying, but in the process of living the role of a mother day after day you tend to lose some of yourself. Dear moms you need to carve out a little time for yourself its nothing but “self regard.” start doing it now and make it a priority. Don’t be shy, you can ask for a break to rejuvenate……to revive.

We want you to employ yourself in self-regard activities that would foster and refurbish and actually nourish YOU! Remember self-regard if practiced on daily basis will empower and restore your energy, thus making you a more successful mom, friend and employee.

With that in mind, here are 5 steps you can take for self-regard.

Step 1# Learn to say “NO”

YOU and only YOU are answerable to yourself. Make your own choices, and saying No is an absolutely okay option. It’s OK to say no to life’s inexorable requirements, its important if not for any other motive than for the Sake of your Sanity.

“Half of the troubles of this life can be traced to saying yes too quickly and not saying no soon enough.” ~Josh Billings


Step 2# Eat well

Mom’s feed their families but they are not into the habit of taking care of their own eating habits. In the interest of ‘self-regard’ be particular about eating three good meals every day.

You can take help from your spouse or your kids for planning and preparing your meals, but the key point is to be aware about the nutritional value that each meal is bringing you. You can easily search on-line for your body’s daily requirements in terms of fibre, protein, carbohydrates, calcium and fat, just prepare a chart for yourself and plan your meals accordingly.

Step 3# Ask for help

You don’t have to do everything by yourself, don’t be timid and ask your family, friends and colleagues for help.

It could be a small favour like babysitting or a ride to the mall.

I am not suggesting that you get into the habit of using people, I am asking you to employ “you scratch my back I scratch yours” strategy see all mom’s need help so if you are being helped you need to offer help as well.

Step 4# Get connected to your spirituality

There’s no rule for connecting to spirituality. Its, to each his own kind of thing. Be it nature, music, temple, church, gardening, cooking, meditation just do something once a week that would make you feel whole, that would make you feel complete.

Step 5# Lower down your expectations (with yourself)

Cut yourself some slack, you don’t have to be perfect all the time. The idea
of being a super-mom will only leave you unsatisfied. For once make yourself the PRIORITY; you don’t need to have a perfect house every time a little mess is OK sometimes. Don’t be fussy instead of fussing over small things you’d rather take a 10 minutes nap (you know you want it).

You may also like: Mothers Day Inspirational Quotes

Some ‘self-regard’ tips for the road: –

  1. Read your favourite book
  2. Have a cup of tea
  3. Watch your most loved soaps
  4. Take a nap (not kidding, minutes is enough)
  5. Get back on social networking circuit
  6. Indulge in some on-line shopping (I mean common…..retail therapy is the best therapy sweetheart)
  7. A bubble bath can heal your soul
  8. Go for a walk/run
  9. Listen to music, it is relaxing
  10. Have a girls day out (no kids, arrange for a sitter)

Glam up….Paint your nails, dress up and praise yourself

About Kanika Gautam 116 Articles
Kanika is an ardent writer and a serial blogger in addition to being the founder of yourmotivationguru.com where she writes about growing the happiness ratio of life. She is also a technologist, bibliophile, speaker, educator and writer.

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