3 Essential Tips For Healthy Living

healthy living

Amidst the hustle and bustle of your everyday life, you will find yourself encapsulated about matters such as work deadlines, bills, family etc. However, many of you might forget about the most crucial aspect of life. Ourselves.

How you look after your body and mind will dictate how you approach the day ahead. Healthy living is a conscious state where you are in complete control of your present and future self. By modifying or maintaining certain everyday habits, you have the power to make a change for the better.

Below we have 3 essential everyday tips from Kaizen Health Group to support healthy living.

1. Regular exercise    

 It is well known that regular exercise helps with physical health such as reducing chronic disease and improving fitness. However, the benefits of exercise extend to all aspects of our lives including stress relief, improved moods and even higher sex drive.

Physical activity such as walking or even gardening increases blood flow around your body. As the blood pumps to the brain, this releases a whole host of ‘feel good’ hormones such as serotonin and dopamine. This is why healthy living practices like going out for a walk may make you feel happier and rejuvenated.

For overall health benefits, health researchers recommend at least 25 minutes of moderately intense aerobic physical activity per day. Examples of these can include dancing, skipping or even house chores. It’s important to find activities that you enjoy so these habits can be sustained.

2. Quality sleep

One of our most crucial daily activities that many of us take for granted is sleep. We don’t spend almost a third of our lives asleep for no reason. Insufficient sleep has been shown to cause a whole array of negative side-effects such as:

  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Reduce brain function
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Cardiovascular disease

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most people should be getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night.  Unfortunately, research is showing that most of us are not meeting these daily standards. To help achieve these recommendations, sleep experts have advised of a few simple tips such as:

  • Having a ‘sleep schedule’ even for weekends 
  • Reduce usage of electronic devices 1 hour before sleep
  • Daily exercise 
  • Using comfortable pillows and mattresses
  • Reduce alcohol and coffee consumption especially before bedtime

3. Nutrition 

You are what you eat. A phrase which emphasises that healthy eating is synonymous with healthy living. Unfortunately, with the sheer amount of information out there, it’s hard to know what to eat. Ketogenic diet. Paleo. Veganism. Each with many successful anecdotes from influencers such as athletes and fitness gurus. 

However, it’s vital to find a sustainable and healthy meal plan that works for you. Taking into consideration factors such as budget and taste are essential for long-term adherence to a healthy meal plan. So what should you eat? Fortunately, the Government of Canada has published a food guide to assist with your eating habits. 

To help summarize, a list of general advice on healthy living adapted from this food guide can be found below:

  • Eat out less often
  • Consume more plant-based foods (e.g. vegetables, fruit, wild rice etc.)
  • Choosing more healthier animal-based proteins (e.g. low-fat yogurt, lean meats)
  • Average water intake of 2.2L or ~9 cups per day (however this will depend on individual body weight and size)

Finding a healthy lifestyle that suits you takes time to find. Although incorporating these expert recommendations into your daily routine is a step in the right direction. However, these are just general guidelines, you should tailor your meal plan based around your own set of priorities and values. 

If you need specific advice about healthy living, please do not hesitate to contact Kilian Upper Cervical.

This article was written as educational content only. If you require medical advice, please book a consult with your qualified and relevant health professional (e.g. medical doctor, dietician etc.). 

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