Coping With Stress At Work: Is Food The Answer?

Coping With Stress At Work - Is Food The Answer

Coping With Stress At Work?

Do you feel that life today is fast-paced and full of pressure and stress? Most people encounter a lot of stress in their day to day work. The tensions, poor work-life balance and bad eating habits lead to poor health and low stamina. There is a huge need to manage one’s lifestyle and choose what the best solution is for each one of us. There are many ways to combat stress and maintain good health.

The first step is to start exercising and being active. Exercise releases “happy hormones”, makes you more energetic and helps you gain stamina. Are you exercising every day? It is surely the time to start immediately. To start a new regime is not easy. But once you start and start feeling the energy building, you will get hooked. You can also try meditation. Meditation calms you down and centers you. Stress levels reduce and your overall health improves. Simple lifestyle changes like eating and sleeping on time also goes a long way in beating stress.

The food-stress connection:

Food plays an important role in managing stress. Comfort foods like fries and pizza are generally calorie-rich junk foods that further damage your system.  Are you eating the foods that can actually help in reducing stress and help you gain wellness?

Fight depression with Folate-rich oranges and bananas:

Coping With Stress At Work - Is Food The Answer

Depression is often linked to low levels of Folate. Fill up on foods like nuts, spinach, oranges, bananas, lentils and legumes. These can be used extensively in daily cooking to fight depression. Make healthy salads, smoothies, soups that not only comfort but also nourish. A tall glass of orange juice can be enough to meet your Folate needs.

Dairy products, fish, poultry and nuts keep you healthy:

Coping With Stress At Work - Is Food The Answer

Vitamin B-Complex keeps your nerves healthy, mood happy and high-stress levels manageable. Nuts like almonds and pistachios, dairy products and lentils. They not only fill you up but are also super healthy. Dairy intolerant people can gorge on delicious nut milk.

Eat 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily:

Coping With Stress At Work - Is Food The Answer 3

Vitamin C is the cure for most ills. The super vitamin amply found in citrus fruits, lemons, kiwi, strawberries, gooseberry and guavas is extremely good in reducing the stress hormone cortisol. The Vitamin also manages blood pressure. Your skin, hair and nails stay healthy and your skin glows with health.

Eating dark chocolate is the tastiest way to good health:

Coping With Stress At Work - Is Food The Answer

Magnesium, Potassium and some other trace minerals are found in bananas, spinach, oranges, and almonds. Delicious chocolate helps release Serotonin which is the hormone that stimulates happiness. These trace minerals help to maintain wellness and increase energy levels.

Eat fish, seeds and nuts to battle free radicals:

Coping With Stress At Work - Is Food The Answer 3

Antioxidants and the Omega 3&6 family are also important to keep cortisol levels in check while keeping you stress-free. Antioxidants are found in most fruits and vegetables. Fatty fishes have a high Omega 6 content. It helps to keep bones and nerves healthy while enhancing immunity. Add foods like flax seed, pumpkin seeds, and millets to your diet. They are full of flavour and also fibre.

In the end:

It is wise to avoid overindulgence in alcohol. Alcohol may temporarily de-stress you but after a few hours cause higher levels of anxiety. Eat junk food sparingly and fill up on plenty of water. Start slowly and build upon the small changes to create a healthy and happy life for yourself. Health is wealth. Are you spending some time and effort in keeping yourself fit and healthy?

About Kanika Gautam 116 Articles
Kanika is an ardent writer and a serial blogger in addition to being the founder of where she writes about growing the happiness ratio of life. She is also a technologist, bibliophile, speaker, educator and writer.

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