Anger isn’t good or bad, angry children aren’t good or bad either, its the way a child deals with anger that can be positive or negative. At times it seems rather appealing to send a child to his room if he is acting out in anger;
however, it’s better for your kid if you help him to build up the knack to cope effectively with anger. Here are some tried and tested strategies of my own to use.
Tip No.1 #
Notice the child being good. Talking to Angry Children; telling them what kind of conduct pleases you always helps. Respond to constructive efforts and highlight their good behaviour. Be an observing and aware parent find the opportunities to make comments like “I like the way you_________________”; “I appreciate your __________ even though you were in a rush to go out to have fun”; “Thank you for being patient while I was talking on the phone”; “I’m glad you _____________”; “I like the way ___________”; and show appreciation when they telling the truth about their mistakes.
Tip No.2#
Purposely ignore inapt behaviour that could be tolerated. I am not asking you to ignore your child, just the behaviour.
Make sure your child realizes that you are deliberately ignoring his behaviour at the same time make him understand what he did wrong and how he could have behaved differently.
Tip No.3#
If you observe that your child is showing signs of irritability and anger you can try giving him some physical outlets. It is imperative for children to do physical exercise and movement on daily basis, both at home and at school.
Tip No.4 #
Make use of closeness and touch. Kids are often comforted by having a grown-up come close by and show interest in their activities.
Our kids need our involvement in their interests, for example, a child struggling with a tricky reading selection can be helped by a caring grown-up who moves next to the child to tell him, “I’ll help you with the words that are giving you difficulty.”
Tip No.5 #
Be prepared to express affection. Every so often all that is desired for any angry child to recover control is an unexpected hug or other spontaneous show of care and affection. Kids with severe emotional troubles, however, may have trouble accepting affection in the beginning although they will get around once you have build trust with them.
Tip No.6#
Use humour. Kidding the child out of a fit of temper or outburst presents the adolescent an opportunity to “save face.” yet, it is essential to discriminate between face-saving wittiness and sarcasm, mockery, or ridicule.
Tip No.7 #
Explain circumstances. Help the kid to realize the cause of a tense situation. We are often unsuccessful in realizing how easily young children can start to respond appropriately once they understand the reason of their aggravation.
Tip No.8 #
Advise your child that you acknowledge his or her angry thoughts, but at the same time also recommend further suggestions for expressing their thoughts and feelings in a constructive manner. Train children to place their angry feelings into words, instead of fists.
Tip No.9 #
Construct a positive self-image. Persuade children to perceive themselves as appreciated and significant people.
Tip No.10 #
Use punishment carefully. A punishment could be hostile or educational, recognize this fine line. DO NOT use physical punishment under any circumstances. Make use of time-out as a substitute.
Few DON’Ts when it comes to Angry Children: –
- Don’t shout or confront your child while he’s angry.
- Don’t make an effort to reason with your child when he’s in throwing a tantrum.
- Be cautious of your physical reactions.
- Never get physical with your kids.
- Don’t freeze up.
- Don’t give excessively harsh punishments.
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