How to Make the Most Out of Working from Home

working from home

Undoubtedly, the coronavirus pandemic has changed many aspects of our work life, with the most notable being the increase in remote work. For many businesses, the transition from offices towards homes has been a consistent trend that shows no signs of slowing down.

The digital age has given many workers the ability to work from home on a full-time basis. Overall, productivity has increased significantly, however, this transition has not been easy for everyone. If you find yourself struggling with the prospect of working from home, keep on reading – this is the article for you.

Set Up a Home Office

Although you no longer have to leave the house, it is important to mentally prepare yourself for the day of work that lies ahead. One of the best ways to do this is by designating an area of your house as the office. This does not have to be a separate room; it can also be a desk or table with all the necessary supplies.

Communicate your needs with your employer, what elements from the office do you need at home to boost productivity. For example, if you are in need of an inkjet or laser printer, you are in your right to ask for one. Apart from the necessary hardware, try to create a space with good lighting and comfortable seating. Working away from the office also means greater cybersecurity risks which must also be considered.

Just because you are working from home doesn’t mean you should lose out on the perks of working in an office. Communication is key. Try to keep in touch with all of your co-workers and bosses. If you are having any trouble adjusting to the new environment, you should make this known. You could even get your co-workers together for a monthly Zoom call after work to unwind.

Get into a Routine 

One of the perks of working from home is that you can hit the snooze button and stay in bed for an extra ten minutes. However, one of the ways you can boost your productivity levels is by sticking to a routine. Don’t wake up five minutes before you are expected to log on. Give yourself sometime in the morning to wake up and get ready.

One of the most prominent debates during lockdown was whether people should get dressed if they’re not leaving the house. Getting dressed in the morning has been proven to improve mental health as it brings some structure to your life. We aren’t saying you need to wear a suit and dress shoes, but changing out of your pyjamas can make a big impact on your mood.

A routine also means taking scheduled breaks and not working overtime. An issue that has become increasingly difficult during the pandemic, and with the rise in remote work is the ability to differentiate between work and leisure time. Take regular breaks and try to get outside for some fresh air.

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